Quotes > Arabic Proverbs Peace Quotes

Arabic Proverbs Peace Quotes

Explore the best Arabic Proverbs Peace Quotes. Here is our best collection of Arabic Proverbs Peace Quotes collected from a various of sources.

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Arabic Proverbs Peace Quotes

The tree of silence bears the fruit of peace.

- Arabic Proverbs

More Quotes to Explore

The tree of silence bears the fruit of peace.

- Arabic Proverbs

Death was afraid of him because he had the heart of a lion.

- Arabic Proverbs

Never give advice in a crowd.

- Arabic Proverbs

A wise man's day is worth a fool's life.

- Arabic Proverbs

Marriage is like a besieged castle, Those who are on the outside wish to get in and those who are on the inside wish to get out.

- Arabic Proverbs

When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it is unspoken you reign over it.

- Arabic Proverbs

The devil tempts all men, but idle men tempt the devil.

- Arabic Proverbs

Lying and stealing are next door neighbors.

- Arabic Proverbs

He who has health has hope, And he who has hope has everything.

- Arabic Proverbs

Examine what is said, not him who speaks.

- Arabic Proverbs

The Purpose of War is Peace

- Pablo Escobar

There never was a good war or a bad peace.

- Benjamin Franklin

I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery

- Thomas Jefferson

Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.

- Ronald Reagan

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.

- Jimi Hendrix

Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner Serenity and Harmony.

- Debasish Mridha

In a world full of noise, She is my peace.

- Anonymous

Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility of real peace

- Dalai Lama

Peace begins with a smile..

- Mother Teresa