Quotes > Chinese Proverbs Promise Quotes

Chinese Proverbs Promise Quotes

Explore the best Chinese Proverbs Promise Quotes. Here is our best collection of Chinese Proverbs Promise Quotes collected from a various of sources.

- quotewis.com

Chinese Proverbs Promise Quotes

Be slow to promise but quick to perform.

- Chinese Proverbs

More Quotes to Explore

A diamond cannot be polished without friction, nor the man perfected without trials.

- Chinese Proverbs

Sincere advice may offend the ear but is beneficial to one's conduct.

- Chinese Proverbs

Honest advice is unpleasant to the ears.

- Chinese Proverbs

Keeping company with the wicked is like living in a fish market: one becomes used to the foul odor.

- Chinese Proverbs

Courtesy is the mark of a civilized person

- Chinese Proverbs

Follow the good and learn their ways.

- Chinese Proverbs

Kindness is the best quality of the soul

- Chinese Proverbs

Each person equals a grain of sand, but an army is like a block of gold.

- Chinese Proverbs

We cannot clap with only one hand

- Chinese Proverbs

A bridge is not built from one piece of wood.

- Chinese Proverbs

Be slow to promise but quick to perform.

- Chinese Proverbs