Ivan Nuru Short freedom Quotes
Explore the best Ivan Nuru Short freedom Quotes. Here is our best collection of Ivan Nuru Short freedom Quotes collected from a various of sources.
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Ivan Nuru Short freedom Quotes
If it’s out of your hands. It deserves freedom from your mind too.
- Ivan Nuru
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If it’s out of your hands. It deserves freedom from your mind too.
- Ivan Nuru
We are all living in cages with the door wide open.
- George Lucas
I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery
- Thomas Jefferson
Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
- Moshe Dryan
Free your mind, free yourself
- Anonymous
The secret of happiness is freedom and the secret of freedom is courage
- Thucydides
Freedom is being yourself without permission
- Anonymous
Freedom is obedience to self- formulated rules.
- Aristotle
Freedom is a state of mind.
- Anonymous
Freedom lies in being bold.
- Robert Frost