Quotes > Kerry Cohen What is love Quotes

Kerry Cohen What is love Quotes

Explore the best Kerry Cohen What is love Quotes. Here is our best collection of Kerry Cohen What is love Quotes collected from a various of sources.

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Kerry Cohen What is love Quotes

Not being able to live without someone is not love. It's need.

- Kerry Cohen

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This isn’t a story about how some guy finally saves me from myself. I’m my own hero here; I do the saving.

- Kerry Cohen

Artist colonies are notorious for breaking up marriages and housing affairs.

- Kerry Cohen

Being Alone feels more Honest.

- Kerry Cohen

I heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

- Kerry Cohen

Not being able to live without someone is not love. It's need.

- Kerry Cohen

People say that nothing is eternal, But that was before the emergence of our love.

- Anonymous