Phil McGraw Enjoy journey Quotes
Phil McGraw Enjoy journey Quotes
Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.
- Phil McGraw
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You can't change what you don't acknowledge
- Phil McGraw
If we were all just alike, one of us wouldn't be necessary.
- Phil McGraw
I love life, but not everything in it. I love people, but not all of them. I love myself, but not everything about me.
- Phil McGraw
The difference between you and the person you envy, is that you settle for less.
- Phil McGraw
No matter how flat you make a pancake, It's still got two sides
- Phil McGraw
Awareness without action is worthless.
- Phil McGraw
You can't change other people or (some) conditions; you can change only your reactions to them
- Phil McGraw
Learn when's a good time to shut up
- Phil McGraw
You have to name it to claim it
- Phil McGraw
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
- Phil McGraw
Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
- Margaret Lee Runbeck
I had no dreams of such economic success. You should have fun and not be so weighed down by expectations.
- Sergey Brin
I don't believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process.
- Oprah Winfrey
Life’s a marathon, not a sprint.
- Phil McGraw
Life is a collection of moments
- Anonymous
While we wait for life, Life passes
- Seneca