Quotes > William Ross Wallace Rule Quotes

William Ross Wallace Rule Quotes

Explore the best William Ross Wallace Rule Quotes. Here is our best collection of William Ross Wallace Rule Quotes collected from a various of sources.

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William Ross Wallace Rule Quotes

The hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.

- William Ross Wallace

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The hand that rocks the cradle Is the hand that rules the world.

- William Ross Wallace

You need to be nimble and flexible. Sometimes strict rules force people to do the wrong thing because they're just applying rules.

- Raymond Svider

Bad guys don’t play by the rules. That’s what makes them bad.

- Steve Murphy

Hell, there are no rules here, we’re trying to accomplish something.

- Thomas Edison

Freedom is obedience to self- formulated rules.

- Aristotle

When you have spoken the word, it reigns over you. When it is unspoken you reign over it.

- Arabic Proverbs

Would you have a great empire? Rule over yourself.

- Publius Syrus

The hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation and its destiny.

- African Proverbs

Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.

- Dalai Lama

The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.

- Plato