Even a Monkey falls from a Tree: "Saru-mo-ki-kara-ochiru" - A monkey may spend all its life climbing trees and yet still make a mistake from time to time. We all make mistakes. Nobody is perfect. If it is perfect, then it means it can't get better.
Everybody makes mistakes. Nobody is perfect. Even the monkeys themselves on occasion have been spotted to fall from trees.
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Japanese Proverbs Imperfection Quotes
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When you're dying of thirst, It's too late to think about digging a well.
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Maybe I don't have to perfect, I just have to be good enough.
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Without imperfection, you or I would not exist
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My heart is perfect because...You are inside.
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The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today.
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Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
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A leader is a dealer in hope.
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The mind that is anxious about future events is miserable.
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Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.
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