There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will.
- Epictetus
We often find ourselves feeling the need to have great possessions, but if we have fewer wants, we are able to focus more deeply on achieving those wants. Because what is having great possessions when you are unable to achieve your goals? True wealth comes not from possessions, but from achieving our goals.
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Epictetus Happiness Quotes

To accuse others for one's own misfortunes is a sign of want of education. To accuse oneself shows that one's education has begun. To accuse neither oneself nor others shows that one's education is complete.
- Epictetus
Common and vulgar people ascribe all ills that they feel to others; people of little wisdom ascribe to themselves; people of much wisdom, to no one.
- Epictetus
The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.
- Epictetus
First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.
- Epictetus
Any person capable of angering you becomes your master, He can anger you only when you permit yourself to be disturbed by him
- Epictetus
Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.
- Epictetus
Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it.
- Epictetus
It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
- Epictetus
It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.
- Epictetus
Happiness is not a state to arrive at, but a manner of traveling.
- Margaret Lee Runbeck
It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
- Agnes Repplier
Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted.
- John Lennon
Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be.
- Abraham Lincoln
Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own
- Robert A. Heinlein
Happiness is a function of accepting what is.
- Werner Erhard
The world always seems brighter when you’ve just made something that wasn’t there before.
- Neil Gaiman
Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow
- Swedish Proverb
The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.
- Martha Washington
Do not anticipate trouble or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.
- Benjamin Franklin
Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems.
- Epictetus
Be a Warrior, Not a Worrier
- Anonymous
Worry Less, Live More
- Anonymous