"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud." - Quote Meaning
Problems are like clouds that cast a shadow on a person's life. These clouds darken someone's world, and sometimes, they even bring some rain. But, when you become a rainbow in these clouds, you can do something to brighten up the world of a person. Rainbows can be simple acts of kindness that can give the person hope and put a silver lining in all the hurdles and struggles they are going through.
Unfortunately, life is not always a primrose path. While it is too easy to think that life will go exactly as you planned it to be, most of the time, fate can throw things your way that are out of your control. Everyone in this world goes through difficulties and obstacles. That cashier at the convenience might be worried about losing her job. That taxi driver is probably thinking about how to save his house from getting foreclosed.
Every single person you meet in the streets might be going through something without you even knowing it. A simple thank you to the cashier or some tip to the taxi driver can go a long way to make them smile even for just a short while.
This is what it means to try being a rainbow in someone's cloud. It means doing things, no matter how simple or small, that can make a significant and positive difference in someone else's life. You see, it doesn't take much to be kind. So, the next time you meet a friend or even a stranger, don't hesitate to cast some colors into their dark clouds.

Quotes Meaning
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