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Top Steve Murphy Quotes

Explore the best Steve Murphy Quotes. Here is our best collection of Steve Murphy Quotes collected from a various of sources.

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Top Steve Murphy Quotes

Cocaine was no longer hidden alongside products. It was the product.

- Steve Murphy

You can have all the intelligence in the world, but if nobody’s there to act on it, what’s it worth? Nothing.

- Steve Murphy

In the United States, the Mafia makes witnesses disappear so they can't testify in court. In Columbia, Pablo Escobar made the whole court disappear.

- Steve Murphy

When you get too close to the sun your dreams may melt away

- Steve Murphy

Bad guys don’t play by the rules. That’s what makes them bad.

- Steve Murphy

They say when a nuclear holocaust destroys the world, only the cockroaches will survive.

- Steve Murphy

The bad guys need to get lucky every time. The good guys just need to get lucky once.

- Steve Murphy

If there's one thing I've learned in the narco world, it's that life is more complicated than you think. Good and bad, they're relative concepts.

- Steve Murphy

Imagine you were born in a poor family, in a poor city, in a poor country, and by the time you were 28 years old, you have so much money you can't even count it. What do you do? You make your dreams come true.

- Steve Murphy