Top 13 Flirting Quotes

Top 13 Flirting Quotes
I heard that the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
- Kerry Cohen
Hey beautiful! You must be tired after running all day in my mind.
- Anonymous
Our first kiss is going to be epic, Don’t you think?
- Anonymous
I’m still single, in case you were wondering.
- Anonymous
For some reason every love song makes me think of you.
- Anonymous
Looking forward to tomorrow since you get more and more beautiful every day.
- Anonymous
I wish I was your mirror, so that I could look at you every morning.
- Anonymous
I can’t go to sleep because when I close my eyes, I see your beautiful face
- Anonymous
I'm In my bed, You are in yours. One of us is obviously In the wrong place
- Anonymous
Do you believe in love at first sight, Or should I walk by again
- Anonymous
Everybody has an addiction mine happens to be you
- Anonymous
You are cute even when you do not try to be
- Anonymous
I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you.
- Anonymous