Top Psychology Quotes
Explore the best Psychology Quotes. Here is our best collection of Psychology Quotes collected from a various of sources.
Enjoy every moment Quotes
Enjoy Quotes
Human nature Quotes
Mind Quotes
Soul Quotes
Live in present Quotes
Presence Quotes
Psychology Quotes
The new trend of capturing pics instead of enjoying the experience is not new. Human mind has been doing that for ages. Your mind tries to capture the experience by naming, defining, judging, comparing and categorizing everything. As a result, your soul misses the live dance of colours, sounds, shapes and sensations happening before you.
- ShunyaTop Psychology Quotes
The new trend of capturing pics instead of enjoying the experience is not new. Human mind has been doing that for ages. Your mind tries to capture the experience by naming, defining, judging, comparing and categorizing everything. As a result, your soul misses the live dance of colours, sounds, shapes and sensations happening before you.
- Shunya